Monday, March 22, 2010

Life Athlete

Today I had to stand up and love myself in a time and situation that I did not want to. I think we all face these moments of having to stand up for our dignity and value. I had so much fuel in my system after I did what I needed to do that I went on a beautiful trail run. My feet were on the earth and in the dirt. I having to navigate the uncertain terrain. I was listening to my music and thinking about the uncertain navigation metaphorically and I how agile and alert I was to stay focused on the trail. It came to me that I am a life athlete and to be good at life we have to be alert to the uncertainties. We get through those uncertainties by being in the moment and focusing on what we can control. On the trail all I could control was my speed, and each step. Let us all be life athletes and take eveything in on a conscious level in the moment and you'll see that eveything always works out for the highest good. Your attitude about yourself is the most powerful energy you put into the world. Think positive and trust the process! How can you value yourself today?


  1. I love this outlook! I realize things about myself everyday that I need to grow. I never thought of it like this though. I am a huge procrastinator, but it isn't because I am lazy, which I have been accused of before. I am quite the opposite. I realized just a few weeks ago I procrastinate out of fear! Fear of either being rejected or criticized in one way or another. In this realization that I must say hit me like a ton of bricks, I have been trying to push myself to do and say the things I need to. Much like the athlete!Looking at the big picture as a life athlete will help overcoming obstacles that we all face so much easier!

  2. Depak Chopra talks about the wisdom of uncertainty. Seems he says that the Universe knows the big picture, and we need the lessons we came here to get, each one being perfect, in spite of the stresses we are under. Ultimately, the lessons lead to learning and an improved perspective on life. Can be so tough when we forget the big picture and are deep in the pain of the moment.
