Friday, April 2, 2010

Needing help and knowing that you need help comes hand in hand with humility that whatever it is you are doing to survive is not working. To have humility there has to be a sense of self awareness. Sometimes when our hearts are aching we are in a place of loneliness. To be lonely means to be without love. To be alone is only about space. It is hard to feel comfortable when we are lonely. We can be sad, chaotic beings. It is part of our nature. The great thing about seeking help from whomever is that it gives us the opportunity to be nurtured, loved, heard and understood. Others most often hold a higher thought of us then we hold of ourselves. We are hardest on ourselves. Loneliness, the feeling of being different, feeling melancholic and the trap of comparison occur all throughout the lifespan. We travel with these different states of mind from time to time. Often we use methods of avoidance, blame, or defensiveness to rid ourselves of these traps but I have learned and I hope you learn that that humility and reaching out are sometimes the best ways to get to the other side of a negative perception. Humility is the only way through life because life is hard and it will always have its challenges. Ride it out! Just hold on and ride it out...that is the way! To go at life fighting it with our egos will create more and more pain, but small doses of humility can change the course of your life. Love yourself today because there is only one like you. Be fully expressed...let the tantrum out, find the humility, ride it out and RISE ABOVE! Go at it....get busy....power on!!


  1. In our status of Spirit running a primate operating system, we often get tangled up in the primate. We have a built-in need to be a part of the herd. That was long ago when safety in numbers counted. Now, being the same as everyone else is like being at MacDonald's. Once inside, you don't know if you're in California or Texas. They all look boringly the same. Well said, Sherrie, that being alone is a matter of space and not necessarily lonely. We attract aloneness at just the right time for just the right reasons. Otherwise, we would attract something else. The counter view is that the wizardry inside of us doesn't know what it's doing. How could that be? Science now estimates that our brains run about 4 quadrillion chemical reactions at any given moment. With that data, could there be any mistakes other than our own perceptions? And we have perception problems, all of us. Keeping them at bay is a matter of focus and practice. Good health and good diet help.

  2. You are brilliant! Thank you for sharing!
